Which ChickPea wields the shaving brush while Th Lord Of Darkness nurses a cut throat razor............ (But just LOOK at that panelling and the fireplace.......and they really are REAL !!!!)
Still remembering feeling like ‘5 going on 40’, then feeling perhaps ’40-ish’ on a Good Day, and ’50-ish’ on a Not-So-Good-Day when I wrote early posts. And now ... well, another 10 years or so.....
'Acceptance','Re-Invention' , 'Re-Creation', 'Discovery' and 'Affirmation' continue to be current Life Requirements, as I step into this next Chapter Of Life, and stir the pot to add another recipe or two to Life's Rich Menu.
I guess there'll be plenty more burnt bits, and probably more than the expected half-baked bits, chewy bits and lumpy bits along the way.
Of Such Is Life.
Blogging became utensil, kitchen and cooker for the sauce and hot air of Souffle.
Other bits and pieces will again get stirred into Risotto.